Increase your Google Page Rank 晴

郝聪 , 2006/10/12 15:19 , 搜索引擎优化(SEO) » SEO技术 , 评论(7) , 阅读(24328) , Via 本站原创 | |


昨天晚上为了翻译这篇谈论如何增加Google PageRank的文章,一直熬夜到凌晨2点,sleepy辛苦到没什么,可是由于英文水平比较菜,感觉翻译的不是很准确,unhappy担心会误导大家,所以我先在这里声明:翻译出的文字只能作为大家参考,当然,如果阁下的E文好那就直接看原文吧。


Increase your Google Page Rank

So finally it is crucial to get an high evaluation from Google and Yahoo. When a website is submitted directly to Google the site gets a small penalty, Google prefers to find a site following the link from another website. Recently the submission of commercial sites to Yahoo is charged. Google gives a Page Rank (from 0 to 10) to each website; the website that come out from Google search engine have both high Page Rank and keywords that match the keywords of the query. How can I get an high Google page rank? Web pages should be as rich as possible of text; robots cannot read images. Keywords should be repeated in the page about 5%. The site should be referred by important websites. Pages catalogued into dmoz are well considered from Google. The total Page Rank of a website increases with the number of its pages; each page adds 1 to the global site Rank. The architecture of a site has to be chosen with attention. The score of each page of a website is influenced by the internal links of the whole website; depending on your needs, you can concentrate the highest scores on one ore more web pages (Rank I and Rank II).


Calculate the Google Page Rank of your website

There are different tools that allow to calculate the scores of each page of a website. Star configuration is the architecture that allows to maximise the score on the main page. There are links only between the main page and each of the other pages of the site. Page 1 is like a hub; it is important (Page Rank 2.4) because each communication between the other pages can be executed only through it.



Normally websites have a menu; the visitors can move from any page to any pages with just a click; if each page of the website is linked to all the other pages, each page will receive score 1. If all the pages of a website have low rank the web page is not too interesting for Google; no page will be able to compete with external pages having related subject and higher Page Rank.



So apparently the design of a website should be a trade off between efficiency (tar?configuration) and user friendly (enu?configuration). It is possible to use a trick to overcome this problem. Using opportunely the hidden links described before, robots see a 'star' and users see a 'menu'. All the inconvenient links that lower the 'importance' of the main page are hidden; these links can be seen by the website human users but not by the search engines robots.



The best website architecture to enhance Google Page Rank

The strategy adopted in the previous example cannot be applied directly to large sites; usually the menu inserted in each page is short and recalls only the main topics of the site. If, for example, a website is formed by 50 pages, it is not convenient each page to have 49 links to the remaining pages. The pure 'star' configuration is also difficult to create; large sites are normally subdivided in subtopics. For example, this website is organised in four main topics. It is possible to create for each topic a main page center of a star and to link all the stars together. Like in the 憁enu?configuration the four main pages tend to share equally the overall score; as a consequence, the main page doesn't get an high Page Rank.
To overcome this problem we can split the site in two independent sites; the two sites are not linked each over. The main site is a big star. The residue is a shapeless site; a map page, acting as backbone, links all the residue pages. The main drawback of this solution is that this kind of site is more difficult to scan; each of the two sites needs at least a link coming from an external website (indexed by Google). Another website optimisation strategy is now introduced. We consider now the following general site:



The score of the pages is spread around; the Page Rank of the main page (1.2) is not the highest Page Rank. The ramification 1.6-1.7 is like a link highway, it drains rank because it forms a main direction. We can the close this highway (and generally all the links that are not part of the main star) by means of hidden links. As recalled before, this operation is transparent to the website visitor. All the orphans (0.6) are then linked to the main page with a site map page (2.7). The score of the main page is increased from 1.2 to 1.7; it is necessary to consider that part of this rise is due to the introduction of a new page in the website, the map page.



To further improve the main page rank, we can ask each orphan to link the main page; please note that these links have only one arrow, the main page is not pointing to the orphans. The scheme is messy, but the result is effective. The main drawback of this approach is that the indexing of the site is more difficult; robots find many walls (hidden links) before they can crawl all the site. This kind of site is like a labyrinth.

第五届Netconcepts SEO排行榜大会演讲PPT分享
Wordpress SEO插件

最后编辑: 郝聪 编辑于2007/09/11 10:25
2011/03/03 18:09
1288wa Email
2007/03/01 14:13
2006/12/26 22:45
lanshui777 Email
2006/11/29 00:10
2006/11/11 03:51
为了进一步提高主页排名,我们可以让每张内页都链接到主页。请注意,这些都是单箭头,主页并不链接内页,图有点乱,但是结果还是有效的。主要障碍在于索引整站比较困难。Robots 在爬完全站前碰到很多“墙“(隐藏链接)。这些站简直象迷宫一样。    æœ€åŽä¸€æ®µ
黑色梦中 回复于 2006/11/18 22:37
2006/10/19 21:20
没什么麻烦嘛  grin
黑色梦中 回复于 2006/10/20 09:06
IT IS A GOOD IDEA.只不过机器翻译的不太靠谱,自己上吧。
2006/10/08 14:08

黑色梦中 回复于 2006/10/08 17:11
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