标题:IBP8.1(Internet Business Promoter 8.1)商业注册版下载 出处:郝聪SEO博客 时间:Mon, 24 Jul 2006 15:52:25 +0000 作者:郝聪 地址:http://www.bloghuman.com/post/59/ 内容: IBP是多效合一的网站推广工具,让您的网站快速获得成功。IBP优秀的网站推广工具之一,集网页SEO优化、关键词分析、网站登录提交、SEO报告等多项SEO的组合功能与一体,强烈推荐下载! IBP8.1商业注册码下载见附件: 这个文件只能在登入之后下载。请先 注册 或 登入 IBP8.1商业注册码: IBP-B-NFHAKNC-2310973 IBP8.1英文介绍: IBP is the award-winning web site promotion suite that helps you to get top 10 rankings in Google, Yahoo and all other major search engines. IBP helps you with all important aspects of on-site web site promotion. It includes more than 15 professional website promotion tools, including tools for keyword generation, a top 10 search engine ranking optimization, search engine submission, directory submission, ranking checking and more. (1)IBP8.1安装教程 (2)IBP8.1使用教程 Generated by Bo-blog 2.1.1 Release